Goods Receipt Note
Goods Receipt Note or GRN is a document that is used to record the inward entry of goods received at any establishment. The GRN primarily comprises details of quantity received, quantity disapproved, and quantity approved. It also contains information regarding name of the supplier and Purchase Order Number (P.O. No.).
GRN comes into existence when supplier supplies material at a site against the purchase order (P.O.) with an intention to confirm the Stock in. GRN can be processed both as supplier wise and party reference wise.
Main Info
It is to be noted that the amount variance set through the ‘Purchase Order’ interface will be reflected in GRN.
Business Unit: Select the Business Unit where GRN will be made
Financial Year: Financial year gets populated
Document Type: Select goods receipt note document type
Date: Enter the document date
No.: It is generated after saving the entry
Supplier: Select the name of the goods supplier
Account Head:
It gets populated after
selection of supplier
Vendor Doc No.: Provide vendor document number if available. If the field is left blank, then after saving, the document number will be treated as vendor document number
Doc Date: Enter vendor document date
Party Ref. No.: Specify the party reference number
Inward No: Search inward number if any
Remarks: Enter remarks on goods receipt note if any
Item Info
Click ‘Tag Document’ to add new item.
Select document(s) and click 'Save'. Click on the required row to open the 'Main Info' section as shown in the screen below.
Main Info
Code: Search item code. If code is searched, description will be auto populated and vice versa
Description: If code is searched, description will be auto populated and vice versa
Unit: Unit will also come automatically
Brand/Make: Select brand/make if any
Specification: Provide specification of the brand or make. This is to be filled up if brand/make is selected
Make No/Model No: Provide make no or model no if brand/make is selected
Detail Description: Enter detail description of the item if required
Warehouse: Select the warehouse
Quantity: Enter item quantity
Rate: Specify the rate of the item
Amount: Quantity and rate will be multiplied and the total value will be displayed
Due Date: Due date can be entered
Other Info
Other info section is optional
The other info tab will enable user to note information regarding the following.
Vendor Quantity: Enter supplier quantity of item
Received Quantity: Enter the quantity received
Rejected Quantity: Enter the quantity rejected
Actual Quantity: Enter actual quantity
Billing Term Info
Different billing terms can be set here
Extra Charge Info
If there is any extra charges then these information can be defined here.
Posting Info
Shows account posting details
1. Multiple Page Tagging Option In GRN against ILTO in Pending Page: Now in case pending ILTO count is more than 10 to make the GRN entry, functionality provided to tag more than one page(with tag all option) at a time.
2. Bill inward option can be made mandatory in Goods Receipt Note:
Steps to activate the bill inward mandatory in Non Stores Purchase:
a) Please run sync process (please ignore the 1st step if the same has been followed already for last point)
b) Please follow the below navigation: Administration > Database > Metadata
Please click on Material & search the Entity Goods Receipt Note
Click on Edit & go to Properties
Click on Material Inward option & then tick ‘Is Required’.
Click Save & Submit.
Inward option in Goods Receipt Note entry is now mandatory.
3. Dispatch Info No field can be made mandatory in Goods Receipt Note:
Metadata Screen
Keeping Dispatch info No field mandatory through metadata screen.
Dispatch Info No field keeping blank during Goods Receipt Note data entry
Validation message will come during submission of Goods Receipt Note, as Dispatch Info No field is blank and it has been kept mandatory through Meta Data.
4. In GRN document print dictionary six fields added, those are PO quantity, Already delivered quantity, Company CIN number, Party Reference No, Item Wise Billing Term and Supplier Code
Reports: Following reports are available
1. Goods Receipt Note Register
2. Goods Receipt Note Posting Detail
3. Goods Receipt Note With Billing Term
4. Goods Receipt Note Pending Register
6. Extra Charges Pending Register
7. Extra Charges Passed Register
8. Goods Receipt Note Against PO
9. GRN Pending Register With Provisional Bill
10. Goods Receipt Note(PDF Based)
Tutorial: Creating Goods Receipt Note
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