Tutorial: Creating Price List

Price List

Price list is a document of listing of prices for different revenue heads. The Price list interface is used to set rate and price as required by the project owner.



Main Info


Business Unit: Select business unit


Financial Year: It gets populated, however user can select another as per requirement


Document Type: It gets populated, however user can select another as per requirement


Document Date: It shows as on date by default. User can set another date.


Document No: It is generated after the entry saved


Name: Enter price list name


Effective From: Enter effective from date



Basis: Select basis of price list. Depending on the basis of Price List chosen, select the type. For example if 'Payment Plan' is chosen as basis of price list then user needs to select payment plan from drop down list


Add New Row


Click '+Add New Row'. The following window appears.



Project Hierarchy: Select project hierarchy (Data comes from Setup > Project > Project Hierarchy)



Unit Type: Select unit type (Data comes from Setup > Unit > Unit Type)



Revenue Head: Select revenue head as 'Unit Cost' (Data comes from Setup > Other Charges or Scheme > Revenue Head)


Rate: Enter rate


Click 'Save'.



Click '+Add New Row' again.



Revenue Head: Select 'Car Parking Charges' as revenue head.


Lumpsum: Enter lumpsum amount


Click 'Save'.



Submit and save the entry.



Tutorial: Creating Price List

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