On account adjustment is made to adjust bill against advance which had been given by the customer at the time of booking.
Main Info
Business Unit: Select business unit
Financial Year: It gets populated, however user can select another as per requirement
Document Type: It gets populated, however user can select another as per requirement
Document Date: It shows as on date by default. User can set another date.
Document No: It is generated after the entry saved
Customer: Select the name of the customer
Booking: Booking number gets populated
Against Voucher No: Select the voucher number against which on account adjustment is to be done
Amount: The amount gets populated
Narration: Enter narration if any
Click on 'Adjust Installments'. The following window will open. Check 'Auto Adjust' to make bill wise adjustment automatically.
Click 'Save'
System will not allow to make any On Account Adjustment entry against the booking if that booking is having any provisional Booking Amendment entry and showing a validation message as shown below.
Tutorial: Creating On Account Adjustment
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