Tutorial: Creating Customer Details

Customer Details

Customer details interface is used to record customers’ information that primarily include Name, address, and Communication details of the customer. Later on this customer details can be used while users are creating Application details and on the other hand if users create application details that details automatically added back to the customer details.



Personal Information


Salutation: Select salutation


First Name: Enter first name of the applicant


Middle Name: Enter middle name if any


Last Name: Enter last name of the applicant


Date of Birth: Enter date of birth of the applicant


PAN: Enter permanent account number of the applicant


Religion: Religion of the customer can be selected


Gender: Select the gender of the customer


Aadhar No: Enter the Aadhar number of the customer


Note: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, PAN and Gender are mandatory fields.


Applicant's Photo: Click to upload applicant's photo




Correspondence Address



Street: Enter street name


House/Flat No.: Enter house or flat number


Locality/Landmark: Enter locality or landmark


Country: Select country


State/Province: Select state or province


City/Village: Select city or village


Postal Code: Enter postal code


Permanent Address




Tick 'Same as Correspondence Address' if permanent address is same as correspondence address. All fields then get populated.


If different then enter details.


Office Address



Enter Office Address of the Customer.


Communication Details



Mobile1: Enter primary mobile number


Mobile2: Enter alternate mobile number if any


Phone1: Enter phone number


Phone2: Enter alternate phone number if any


Fax: Enter Fax number if any


Email1:Enter email address


Email2: Enter alternate email address if any


After saving the entry the saved record can be searched to view.



Tutorial: Creating Customer Details

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