Register - Email


Email Register shows the list of sent email items and those email items which are in outbox.


Those emails are to be sent from different modules.


For example, details of auto emails sent from Sales and Customer Care module to customers in Money Receipt can be viewed.



Email Body column is displaying content of the email body which will be sent to receiver. On clicking the Cell, system will display the entire Body of the mail.



Different data filter options are there as follows:

From Email Shows the sender's email address
To Email Shows the primary recipient's email address
CC Email Shows the email address(es) of the recipient(s) marked copy
Subject Shows the subject of the email
Compose Date Shows the date on which the email is composed
Compose Time Shows the time when the email is composed
Sent Time Shows the time when the email is sent
Entry Type Shows the entry type of the module from where the email is composed for e.g. Task in SFA module


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