Price Range


The affordable price range which the prospect is looking for is defined in 'Price Range' interface.




Price Range

25 Lakhs

35 Lakhs

50 Lakhs

70 Lakhs

90 Lakhs

1 Crore

1.50 Crore

2 Crore

3 Crore

5 Crore

10 Crore

15 Crore

25 Crore


Creating Price Range


User is also able to create their own 'Price Range' as per the requirement of the organization as shown in the figure below.



Price: Enter numerical value of price


UOM: Select unit of measurement


Description: Enter description of the price range



Already created 'Price Range' can be searched from drop down list as shown below. If any of them matches with the requirement then there is no need to create new. Otherwise new 'Price Range' is to be created as per the requirement of the organization.




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