Tutorial: Creating Inter Company Fund Transfer

Inter Company Fund Transfer

Inter Company Fund Transfer is required for fund transfer entry within two or more Companies



Business Unit: User has to select the Business Unit where the Inter Company Fund Transfer entry will be done, which comes from Business unit organizer (Administration > Company > Business unit organizer)


Financial Year: Select financial year  


Document Type: Only 'Document Type' will have to be created under category 'Inter Company Fund Transfer (RP)'.


In order to create document type, user needs to select the pre-defined category from ‘Category’ drop down menu in ‘Document Type’ interface. User can create document types as per choice and convenience through Administration > Company > Document Type.


Document Date: Specify the document date.


Cash/Bank: Select Cash Account or Bank Account as per requirement. This Cash Account/Bank Account comes from Finance > Setup > Account Head master.


Narration: Enter a short description about the Inter Company Fund Transfer entry


Click '+ Add New Row', the following section will open.


A. Routing Info


'Business Unit' has to be selected on behalf of which the fund transfer will be made. Select 'Prefix'.  



B. Main Info


Select account head and enter amount



Account Head: Select the account head.


Amount: Enter the amount.


Click 'Next'. The 'Other Info' section will open.


C. Other Info


Other info section is used to furnish payment related information.


Payment Mode: Payment can happen through Cheque, Demand Draft, Pay Order, Cash, Net Banking, Credit Card, RTGS, NEFT, ECheque and Direct.


1. Payment Mode - Cheque:



Cheque Type: Select cheque type as local or outstation


Print Cheque: To Print the Cheque through system, this option will be selected. If this is selected then 'Cheque Number' and 'Cheque Date' will be disabled (which will be updated after the successful cheque printing).


Cheque Number: If 'Print Cheque' is not selected then cheque number is required to be entered manually


Cheque Date: If 'Print Cheque' is not selected then cheque date is required to be entered manually


Payee Name: Select the payee name (which will be printed on Cheque)


Narration: Put detail purpose of this entry



2. Payment Mode - Demand Draft:



Cheque Type: Select cheque type as local or outstation


Print Cheque: To Print the Cheque through system, this option will be selected. If this is selected then 'Cheque Number' and 'Cheque Date' will be disabled (which will be updated after the successful cheque printing).


Cheque Number: If 'Print Cheque' is not selected then cheque number is required to be entered manually


Cheque Date: If 'Print Cheque' is not selected then cheque date is required to be entered manually


Payee Name: Select or enter the payee name


Payable At: Enter the place of payment


Narration: Put detail purpose of this entry



3. Payment Mode - Pay Order:



Cheque Type: Select cheque type as local or outstation


Print Cheque: To Print the Cheque through system, this option will be selected. If this is selected then 'Cheque Number' and 'Cheque Date' will be disabled (which will be updated after the successful cheque printing).


Cheque Number: If 'Print Cheque' is not selected then cheque number is required to be entered manually


Cheque Date: If 'Print Cheque' is not selected then cheque date is required to be entered manually


Payee Name: Select the payee name (which will be printed on Cheque)


Narration: Put detail purpose of this entry



4. Payment Mode - Cash:



Payee Name: Select or enter payee name


Narration: Put detail purpose of this entry



5. Payment Mode - Net Banking:



Payee Name: Select or enter payee name


Ref Number: Enter payment reference number


Ref Date: Enter payment reference date


Narration: Put detail purpose of this entry



6. Payment Mode - Credit Card:



Payee Name: Select or enter payee name


Card Type: Select card type (Visa / Master etc.)


Card Type selection is mandatory in case of payment through credit card.


Narration: Put detail purpose of this entry



7. Payment Mode - RTGS:



Cheque Type: Select cheque type as local or outstation


Print Cheque: Cheque print option is required to print the cheque through system which will be sent to Drawee Bank as an instruction of Payment


Payee Name: Select or enter the payee name


Ref Number: Enter RTGS Reference number


Ref Date: Enter RTGS Reference date


Narration: Put detail purpose of this entry



8. Payment Mode - NEFT:



Cheque Type: Select cheque type as local or outstation


Print Cheque: NEFT Cheque can be printed for sending to the bank through selecting this option


Payee Name: Select or enter the payee name


Ref Number: Enter NEFT Reference number


Ref Date: Enter NEFT Reference date


Narration: Put detail purpose of this entry



9. Payment Mode - E Cheque:



Cheque Type: Select cheque type as local or outstation


Print Cheque: E Cheque can be printed at stationary branch as per the discretion of bank


Cheque Number: If 'Print Cheque' is not checked then cheque number is required to be entered manually


Cheque Date: If 'Print Cheque' is not checked then cheque date is required to be entered manually


Payee Name: Select or enter payee name


Print Location: Select print location. It implies the branch of the bank where E Cheque will be printed


Narration: Put detail purpose of this entry


User is also able to print cheque



10. Payment Mode - Direct:



Cheque Type: Select cheque type as local or outstation


Print Cheque: Cheque for direct payment can be printed as it is required to submit to some of the banks


Cheque Number: If 'Print Cheque' is not checked then cheque number is required to be entered manually


Cheque Date: If 'Print Cheque' is not checked then cheque date is required to be entered manually


Payee Name: Select or enter payee name


Narration: Put detail purpose of this entry


Click 'Finish'. The Inter Company Fund Transfer entry gets completed. Now save the entry.



Click ‘Submit’ to stay in the form and make another entry.


Click ‘Save & Close’ to save the entry and exit from the interface.



Tutorial: Creating Inter Company Fund Transfer


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